If you have suffered serious injuries in an 18-wheeler crash, consult with a Montgomery truck crash lawyer who can help you obtain the compensation you need to recover from your injuries.
Collisions involving 18-wheelers are terrifying. The sheer size of these commercial vehicles dwarfs standard motor vehicles. With this inequality can come tremendous force that leaves a devastating impact on those injured in trucking accidents.
Speak with a Montgomery truck accident lawyer immediately if you are facing serious injuries and a lengthy rehabilitation because of a truck crash that wasn’t your fault. Apart from the medical costs, you will more than likely not be able to work, which means your income has suddenly been halted, and if you don’t have a significant emergency fund, your entire family could be in financial trouble.
The attorneys at the Henry Dailey Law Firm have extensive experience with semi-truck accident cases and are prepared to seek full compensation in a personal injury claim to secure the funds you are going to need to preserve your quality of life.
A lot of components go into the care and maintenance of a commercial truck. That means a significant number of people in the trucking industry can fail in their duties in some way and cause a truck crash in Montgomery.
Most often, the truck driver is the first to be examined for blame. Any indication of distracted driving, driving under the influence, fatigued driving, or aggressive driving practices could mean the trucker carries liability for your injuries.
Along with the trucker, the trucking company could play a part in the cause of the crash if it failed to follow the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s regulations for the scheduling of a truck driver.
Truckers are known for driving across multiple states and working long hours, but they do have limitations, just like any other employee. If they were scheduled for longer shifts than legally allowed, or if they were not given the appropriate number of days off between shifts, the trucking company can come under fire in your personal injury claim.
The technicians and manufacturers who are responsible for maintaining the safety of the 18-wheeler, as well as the cargo loaders, can all face liability if they installed defective parts, installed parts incorrectly, or failed to secure cargo in accordance with industry standards.
Essentially, anyone who plays a part in the overall safety of the semi-truck could potentially have done something or failed to do something that eventually resulted in your truck accident. Your Montgomery commercial truck wreck attorney will be able to determine who or what caused the crash and name the appropriate party in your personal injury claim.
Because your injuries are probably serious, you will have a good chance of recovering significant compensation for your claim. When we compute the value of your personal injury claim, the severity of your injuries and the effects they will have on your life are determining factors in the amount you will receive.
Some of the losses and damages for which you could pursue compensation include the following:
Your Montgomery 18-wheeler wreck lawyer will use the diagnoses and medical opinions of your team of physicians to get a better idea of the extent of your injuries and what they believe your outlook is.
Then, we will take that information and calculate a reasonable request for compensation to include in your claim and proceed to negotiations before we head to court. Many times, we are able to reach an adequate settlement amount outside of court, which can save you added time and anxiety.
Under no circumstances should you be saddled with the expenses surrounding your injuries when the truck accident was the fault of another person or company. At the Henry Dailey Law Firm, we have a zero-tolerance policy for negligence, dishonesty, and unfairness, and we will do whatever it takes to win the financial security you need to be able to rebuild your life.
We will see to it that you don’t pay any legal fees out of pocket unless we win. If you are interested in scheduling a free, no-obligation consultation with a Montgomery truck accident lawyer, you can give us a call at 205-995-2412 or fill out the contact form we have provided below.
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